Written By Mayor


In a basketball court a short haired girl could be seen bouncing a ball.

She has a small statue and was wearing just a white tight singlet and a short.

There were seven guys before her and the net was some meters away.

Her lips curved up, she moved in a fast way and dribbled those guys without problem.

After dodging six of them, she came in contact with a built tall guy.

“You can’t escape me” The guy said positioning himself.

“You wish” she muttered then slide under him.

“What?” The guy muttered, she was so fast he couldn’t see her movement.

She jumped and slide the ball into the net.

“Waooo ooh!!!” She screamed.

“Dmn she’s good” One guy said.

“Can’t believe that short girl dribbled seven of us.. we should just quit” another one said.

“Piper! That was awesome!!!” Elsa’s best friend Charlie squeal. She has a pink short hair and she was beautiful with a million followers on Instagram ready to die for her.

Elsa actually sent her to stay with Piper.

Piper grabbed a bottle of water first and gulped it down as if she had been thirsty for years. Without replying, she went back to the court again.

“Sigh… She’s still upset with her sister” Charlie muttered.

“Charlie!” Mason; Charlie’s younger brother called running towards her. “Here is your burger” he said giving her a nylon.

“What took you so long? You left an hour ago” Charlie asked.

“I was busy with some stuff” Mason said.

“We are never gonna know what stuff you’re always busy with” Charlie hissed and her phone rang. It was Elsa.

“Hey snow Babe!!!.. before you say anything, Happy Birthday! You’re the best gift I’ve ever received from Father Lord! And I won’t hesitate to die for you!” Charlie screamed happily then began to kss her phone.

“Yuck” Mason muttered.

Hearing the heavy breaths coming from her Charlie frowned. “Babe?” She called.

After a while her eyes widened.

“Whaaatttt!!!!!” Charlie screamed in anger.

Mason jerk and look at her.


In a room, Fredrick has a girl all on four as he kept driving into her from behind. The girl was screaming out his name while her tongue sticks out every seconds.

Fredrick sI.apped her bvtt cheek and she threw her head back then grab the sheet tightly.

“Oh! Yes.. Fred!”

“Give it to me!”

“Oh my!!”

“Love it!!.. faster!”

The door suddenly opens.

“What the… Elsa?” Fredrick eyes widened seeing her. Her face wasn’t the adorable innocent one instead if was filled with anger.

“You!!” She screamed. The guy she thought she could trust. Why does all guys think girls are toys.

Charlie has her lips parted as she began to video while Mason only stood there gasping.

“Ah.. ah.. I can explain.. you stop videoing” Fredrick grabbed the sheet and covered his body.

Elsa quickly went towards him and remove the sheet from him.

“Oh please” Fredrick shrink.

“Continue” Elsa said coldly and he looked up to her. “I said continue” she repeated.

“Elsa.. plea…”

“Complete that statement then trust me, I’m gonna cut that stick of yours.. hurry hurry.. don’t keep your momma waiting” Elsa waved her hand up and down.

Fredrick slowly stood with fear and moved towards the girl still on b.ed.

“Hey! Momma.. make sure you m..oan so good cus you’ll need it” Elsa said to the girl, she turned confused and scared at the same time.

“Now start dkface” Elsa said and Fredrick slowly dip his length into the girl’s honeypot and began to move in and out slowly while his heart was pounding like ¢razy.

“Mason.. Go grab some water” she ordered and Mason came in with a bucket of water.

Elsa grabbed the water from him and poured it on them, then went to grab the beIt from Frederick trouser.

Before he could check what she was doing, his back recieved a Iash.

“Argh!!!” He screamed pvlling out from the girl before him.

“Hey!!! Who asked you to pull out. Go back in there mo..therfker!” Elsa’s fierce glare was enough for him to obey.

Another land on his back and he screamed out.

The girl received some la$hes too and they began to cry like a baby.

“M.oan!!” Elsa screamed giving them more la$hes.

Charlie couldn’t help her laughter as she kept videoing the two people. Mason sighed and shook his head.

Fredrick was shivering while sIamming the girl in a funny way.

The girl was also crying her heart out while recieving her l@shes too.

Another intense la$h landed on Fredrick’s bvtt and then, he screamed.



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