Written By Mayor



A waiter walked towards a girl who seems to be out of the world. She kept on biting her lips while staring intensively at her phone.

“Uhm miss!” The waiter snapping her out of her trance, she raised her pitch eyes and looked up at him.

“Huh?.. uhm.. yes?” For a second, she forget she was in a cafe.

“Can I have your order please.. this would be the third time I’ll be coming to you” The waiter said with a light smile.

“Hmm.. c..can you give me just three minutes. I’m trying to reach someone” she bit her lips and blinked twice. “Please” she added and the waiter sighed before leaving.

She tried the number she had been calling and fortunately, the person on the other side picked.

“Babe for fk sake! you want my phone to explode? I told you not to call me during work hours!” The person snapped before she could even say the word ‘Hello’

“Fredrick uhm.. I was.. I was just wondering if you remember what today is?” She asked obviously not expecting the harsh tone she got from him.

“You mean you called just for that?.. oh” Fredrick suddenly groaned.

“Fred are you okay?” She asked hearing his heavy breath.

“I’m fine Elsa.. uhm.. What’s with today? Why are you calling?” His voice came out like a

“You really don’t remember what today is?” Elsa asked, her eyes blinked severally as she tries her best to hold her anger.

“Dmn! Elsa can you just tell me.. I’m kinda busy yunno.. oh sht” he mo..aned again. Elsa could hear a smacking sound coming from the background.

“It’s.. uhm nevermind” She said dropping her phone on the table and closed her eyes.

She picked up her phone again and made to talk but what she heard shocked her to the bones.

“Gosh I love those lips of yours, you could have make me finish my calls before you start.. sht” Fredrick grabbed her hair and guide her up and down his length.

The bch in front of him was driving him crazy with her skillful lips.

“Sorry love.. I couldn’t just resist it. Can’t you just break up with her already. I wanna be in your arms every moment” she said looking up at him.

“Not yet baby.. svck faster” he picked his phone only to be shocked, he didn’t even cut the phone.

“Dmn! Elsa!” He called but she cut the call already, he hissed and dropped the phone.

“She is not going to break up with me anyway, I’m so rich.. she should be happy I’m her boyfriend” He said proudly and looked down at the girl who just lick his tip.

“Oh.. sht! Remind me to give a million tomorrow” he groaned.

Elsa bit lips to prevent a loud scream. She bought her hand up then tangled it roughly with her hair. Every words she heard was driving her ¢razy.

“Miss” the waiter came again but she didn’t reply. “Miss your order”

“Can you just fk off!!!” She yelled gaining people in Cafe attention. Even the waiter was so shock on her sudden behavior.

Elsa quickly got on her feet and bow. “I’m so sorry” she said and quickly left the place.

Her phone rang afterwards, Fredrick was calling, she swipe red then dialed a number.


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