Written By Mayor


“Who are you?” Raymond asked raising his brow.

“Mr Adams, your new sponsor. I’m planning to get you out of prison” An old man who seems to be around the age of 60’s said to him.

“I never asked for your help” he replied standing on his feet to leave. There’s no one out there for him anyway.

“I found the person who klled your sister” The old man said and Raymond stopped to look him.



In dark room, some men could be seen taking drugs, chatting and laughing.

A young girl with a highschool uniform stood there with her head lowered.

“What are you still doing here.. ehh!!” Raider who seems to be their leader yelled at the girl.

“Dad please, your daughter is dying. Can’t you just give me some money so I can pay the hospital bills for my younger sister?” The girl plead with heavy heart. She has a scar at one side of her left leg.

She knows this man have the money since he is a freaky rich politician but ever since her mom died, he became a m..onster.

Raider flared up in anger and threw a bottle at her. The bottle smashed on the floor wounding her leg in the process.

“We wouldn’t be like this if your mom is alive!!” Raider yelled.

“She died because of you!!.. you were the reason why those goons have to trap us in a fire. Mom warned you several times to stop these dirty job but you didn’t listen!” She yelled.

Raider threw another bottle, it h!t her this time and she fell flat and sand covered most of her face. Other men in the room on watched with a smirk on their faces.

“I just wished she had saved your little brother instead of a rat like you” He said coldly.

Even with all of these, the young girl couldn’t let a tear out. She tried her best to cry at least but not avail.

“I’m going to teach you a lesson” The man nodded and grab a metal pole before moving towards the girl.

But just then, the door opened, A guy with a black mask and cap came in. His eyes was filled with fury as he stared at the men in the room.

One of them stood up “Who the fk are..”

His word was cut short with a bvllet penetrating through his head.

Seeing this, Others eyes widened and grab their deadly weapon.

The girl ran to hide in a place and watch.

“Arghhh!!!!” They all screamed and charged towards him with their weapons.

The sound of gvnshots, loud screams, metal clash, bones breaking and heavy breaths rented the whole room.

The young girl watch how fast the guy moves, he was like a pro in the de..adly game. He moves were sharp and he was fast.

Raymond shot one to three times on the leg and then shot him on the mouth.

Another one charge towards him, he sent several pvnched on his face before breaking most of his bone.

Her father quickly pulled out his gvn to shoot but the masked guy kcked it out if his hand and swiftly pointed his gun to his head.

“Okay.. okay.. you win.. you win” The man shiver.

“Victoria Hampton.. Do you know her?” Raymond asked coldly while Raider shivers.

Raider thought for a while and remembered something. “Oh no!.. see you need to listen”

He made a click sound on his gvn ready to shoot.

“Answer the question” He said coldly.

“I know her but…”


The young girl saw how the bvllet penetrated through her father’s head and gasped. She quickly held her mouth and hide.

She was praying hard not to be klled but he stood before her.

She swallowed and looked up to him, his emerald eyes was piercing as ever.

The masked guy raised his gvn and point it towards her head. Surprisingly, she didn’t budge from her spot instead, she admire the way he look at her.

¢razy right?

The masked guy made a click sound on his gvn and the next thing that was heard was a gvnshot.



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Articles: 27

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