

They called at the same time.

” I didn’t regret kssing you” He said and her heart moved, making her to smiled.

Suddenly he started feeling things he hasn’t feel for any lady, the feeling was new but he can’t control it.

Strangely he started missing her and her ¢razy side.

“Are you angry at me for kssing you?” He asked grazing at her .

“No” She replied and he smiled.

She can’t explain the feelings but she felt pure affection when she is around him.. it’s like a strong attraction pulling them together.

And she loves the strange feelings.

“I’m glad you are not angry, can I kss you again, your lips are irresistible” He said and she found herself nodding.

His lips went to her neck and he started scking on it deeply making sure to leave a hickey.

Moanna gripped her hands tightly on the bed as pleasure surged through her body.

What is he doing to her with his mouth?.

He stopped scking there and moved to another part of her neck and latched his mouth there.

“Jeremy” She m..oaned only to her hearing.

Her hands suddenly held his shoulders as she almost exploded.

He started scking, grazing his teeth, nibbling and giving her little bits.

She closed her eyes and tighten her hands on his shoulder.

He started caressing her upper body while doing ¢razily things to her.

He stopped scking her n.eck and she opened her eyes.

“You’re so beautiful” He said reconnected their lips.

This time the kss wasn’t a gentle one, he hardened it.

Moanna responded immediately, she couldn’t controlled the urge.

She began touching his chest with her hand while the other hand wrapped around his head.

His to.ngue kept delving deeper into her mouth and she kept opening up for her, giving him more access to delve deeper.

His heart was racing madly not because of anything but because of the lady under him.

“You’re driving me ¢razy Anna” He said into her mouth.

Only the heavens knew how much she resisted m.oaning.

Her heart beats were loud like music.

Their lips suddenly made a cute pummpy sound and Jeremy smiled before breaking the kss.

Her lips were swelled up.

He took his hand there and started caressing it.

“I don’t regret it” He said again.

Moanna said nothing, them kssing was like a dream to her.

Well they have kssed before but that moment can’t be compare to this, this one was different, it was filled with affection, emotions and feelings.

“Did you regret it?” He asked when she didn’t say anything.

She looked away not knowing how to reply him.

“Are you still bored?” He asked and she shook her head.

“Why didn’t come back on time?” She managed to asked.

“I was caught up with something important” He said and kssed her stomach.

“How are you boy there?” He asked and rubbed her stomach.

Moanna smiled watching him.

Strangely she is feeling something for him which she can’t decipher.

He is now a different person.

What could the feelings be?

“Are you hungry?” He asked pulling away from her.

“My mum cook for me” She replied.

“I’m hungry ” He pouted.

“I will cook for you” She said and he gasped.

” Huh!!”.

” Don’t you want me to cook for you? ” She asked in the softest way making him to wondered if it was her.

“I love it, I’m just surprise”.

“Go and change while I cook for you” She said and stood up from the bed.

“No I can’t leave you” He said and she giggled.

“I’m not leaving forever”.

“I don’t want to stay far away from you, just let’s go please” He said cutely and she couldn’t resist how cute he was.

“Okay let’s go stubborn head” She said and he smiled following her out.


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