Moanna stood up from the ground and walked tremblingly to him. She stopped in front of him and raised her shaky hands to touch him.

Her eyes widened when she felt his skin, she touched his face and then moved to his hair, she came back to his lips and finally touched his chest.

Tears welled out of her eyes.

“Bunny, my sexy chef” She said and hugged him then began crying in his arms.

“Bunny” She called.

“Addiction” He called and tears came out.

“You.. ” She paused and broke the hug.

She cupped his cheeks and stared at him with the most loving, affectionate and ethereal affection.

“You are alive?” She asked in tears and he nodded in tears.

“I badly missed you” She said.

“I madly missed you” He replied and initiated back the hug.

She began crying again.

“I thought I lost you”.

“I will never leave you, you are my addiction, I love you so much” He said, petting her.

“I love you more” She said.

Today has to be another special day in her life.. The first was when he confessed his feelings to her.

Her whole body and soul were swimming in the ocean of excitement and joy.

Her broken heart started mending back again, the broken pieces began attaching themselves back and her heart finally came back to whole.

She felt the everlasting peace entering her body and soul.

Her hold on him was so tight.

Jeremy kssed her neck and a sharp fast moan escaped her lips… She has missed his lips on her neck.. She missed his lips for the past two months and some weeks.

Her whole body craved for his touch, maddening emotions started washing through them..

Jeremy was the happiest person as he held his ADDICTION in his arms. Her mild sweet scent, her soft body pressing on him, her musical heartbeat, every perfection about her.

Moanna’s eyes were sucked with tears, same with Jeremy.

Their hug has to be the longest hug in the history of hugging cos the time of them hugging couldn’t be recorded

“Bunny” She whispered.

“Addiction” He replied.

She broke the hug and their eyes locked in the most perfect staring.

His eyes went to the lips he didn’t kss for two months.

Her eyes were on his pink, salacious lips, heavens know how much she missed those lips.

Their lips found their way on each other, slowly, steadily, they melted deeply into the kss.

He used his to.ngue to lcked her lips, his hand resting on her bvm.

Her mo..ans were entering his mouth with a muffle sound coming out.

Her ¢razy craving, those she has been controlling for months, resurfaced madly and she felt the hard sparks all over her body.

His magical hands were doing extraordinary things on her body. Her touches were like a drug to her illness, cos all the tears she shed, the pains she endured, all the sadness started washing away with his touches.


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