Jeremy was laughing inwardly at her foolishness.

Instead of his lips touching her lips it went to her ear.

“Do you know why I said I love you?” He asked.

His breath on her ear was sending wetness to her middle sister.

“No, no” She almost m..oaned.

“Cos it will be the last time you will be hearing it from any guy” He said and she opened her eyes to see the vicious expression on his face.

It was different from the expression he had on his face when he told her, he loves her some minutes ago.

“Gary” She almost stuttered

“Gary, what a silly name” He smiled.

“My name is Jeremy Wealth, the sexy chef, owner of yummy restaurant, one of the biggest, famous and popular restaurants in Mexico” He said and her eyes widened.

Wait!! What!.

Did….Did he just say his name is Jeremy?


Jeremy smirked at Mandy as she literally started shaking.

The look on her face was the look of someone in a big shock. She opened her mouth to say something but no word came out, her throat became dry and the air she was breathing became choky and poisonous to her.

“My name is not Gary and we are not married Mandy, there’s no kller against me, nobody is after my life Mandy” He yelled.

“You….you remember everything?” She asked in disbelief.

“Yes Mandy I do, I regain back my memories, you made me to stay indoors for one fking week, feeding me with lies, my instincts were against you but I had no choice but to believe you” He said.

Mandy felt like the ground should open up and swallow her.

Her game ended before she even started it.

Her knees become weak and her heart kept beating so fast.

Jeremy grabbed her shoulders roughly and glared hard at her.

“Jeremy ” She whined as she felt the stronghold of his hands on her shoulder, the pressure was so much that she started feeling pain.

“Why did you lie to me?” He barked.

What she has been trying to avoid, what she has been afraid of just happened without her notice. How come he regained his memories so fast? Did the doctor lie to her?

He has been taking the drug two tablets a day, even though the doctor recommended one tablet a day but she wanted to hasten it so she added another dose.

Jeremy suddenly pushed her to the wall and her back collided roughly with the wall.

She groaned in pain.

“You’re hurting me Jeremy” She cried.

“Tell me why you decided to feed me with lies instead of telling me the truth?” He growled.

“Because I love…you…I have been crushing on you for years, I wanted you to be mine” She replied, fear reflecting in her eyes.

He gripped tightly on her shoulders, her statement just made him more furious.

She has been crushing on him.

“Ahhh!!!, you are hurting me” She said painfully.

Freddie came out from where he was watching everything and started clapping his hands while laughing.

Mandy’s eyes went there and she was surprised to see him. Freddie Cassius, the popular model.

It was now that she discovered Jeremy and her weren’t the only ones in the house.

“So because you were crushing on him for years, that gave you guts to hide him and even tried making him yours completely, why are you so wicked Mandy?

His girlfriend, his family, the whole Mexico cried for him, all this while he was in your custody, I don’t know he ended up with you, it could be you saved him but something that would have earn you a reward has now turn to your doom, don’t you have conscience? How could you claim another person’s boyfriend?” Freddie asked.

“I was so obsessed in having him that I didn’t think about anything, I wanted to have him to myself cos I love him so much”.

“Stop saying you love me, say that word again and I won’t hesitate to slap you bch” Jeremy yelled angrily.

“Tell me how you even found me?” Jeremy asked.


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