Episode 2

The following morning I woke up, my lower abdomen was aching. Probably it was brought about by prolonged erections over the night.

All sorts of dirty thoughts ran through my whirlwind mind that morning and I couldn’t help it.

I still needed sx as much as the night before, like I couldn’t take it off my mind, I was tied up to that feeling.

I didn’t feel like going to work that morning but I had heaps of documents in my office waiting to signed before the dateline.

I dragged my miserable self to the washroom and cleaned up, then got ready for work.

My wife didn’t come back to our bedroom, I didn’t bother to go check up on her in the guest room either.

I picked up my stuffs, my laptop and briefcase, rushed downstairs, then I quickly took my car key from the table and I rushed to the door only to bump into my wife, Lucy. She was coming in from outside.

” Oh sorry dear! ” Lucy said politely while correcting my necktie

” Let go of me! ” I fumed and struck her hands off my necktie

” Seriously! ” Lucy uttered looking so calm and innocent

I hate it when Lucy wears a calm and innocent look amidst an argument, it makes it difficult for me to shout at her.

” Do you realize we are not in talking terms! Or have you forgotten about last night! ” I stated frankly pretending to be serious

” Oh am sorry, honey! Well I made you breakfast and also fixed your lunchbox. ” Lucy said gently

” Am not hungry and I won’t be hungry at lunch! Now step aside from the door please! ” I replied arrogantly

” What is wrong with you, Tony! I took my time to make your favorite food and all you say is that you don’t need it! ” She shouted aloud

” You know exactly what is wrong with me. You’re selfish, Lucy! Breakfast, lunch: these meals are the reason you’re sxually starving me in this house.

You’re only making these meals to have a reason for being tired just to escape sx. ” I shouted back

” Why do you act like your whole life depends on sx ? ” She uttered sounding so broken

I could see tears lodging in her eyes, I swiftly pvshed her off the door and I rushed out to my car.

I didn’t want to see the tears dislodging off her eyes. It would break me too.

She really looked hurt, and that got me wondering if my wife was going through some sort of difficulty that made her distance from sx.

But she didn’t have to hide it from me, if that was the case.

Unfortunately when I got to my car, it couldn’t start after several attempts, I stepped out my gate and ordered for a ride online.

In a few minutes, I was picked up. While on the ride, I posed a question to the driver.

” Excuse me mister, May I ask you something please! ” I inquired from the driver

” Oh yeah, you may! ” The driver responded gladly as he tilted the front mirror so he could look at my face in the mirror

” What do you think could be a reason for a wife to deny her husband sex for weeks and even months! ” I asked him

” To be honest sir, I can only think of cheating. It’s obvious that her sex needs are catered for by some else.

Let’s say her husband is not good at it, she wouldn’t want to manage her husband yet someone else can do it perfectly well for her. ” The driver responded with a smiling face

” Christ! ” I murmured

” Why do you ask, sir ? ” The driver went on and asked with concern

” It’s nothing! A friend of mine complained to me about his wife last night and I didn’t know what to tell him. ” I responded after sighing deeply

” Oh I feel his pain! Women are deadly creatures! ” The driver blubbered

That response just ruined my day yet it was still morning. My heart was pounding so fast and I felt like my head was going to explode or something.

That was too much thinking, like I couldn’t even get myself to imagine Lucy cheating on me.

I could accuse Lucy for anything but not cheating, not Lucy. Lucy could never cheat on me.

Lucy and I already had a nine year old daughter together, why would she cheat on me after all those years together.

I couldn’t believe that driver’s thinking. I needed to talk to a female, probably a female would understand it better and I would be able to get helped.

By the time I got off the ride, I looked so drained and confused.

I kept talking to myself, “Lucy can’t cheat! not my Lucy ! “

A security officer at the office premise noticed me from afar and raced to me, he then helped with my stuffs. He walked me to my office..


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