Hayden entered the house, trying to bear the pains he was feeling from his stomach. He was about going upstairs, when a deep voice stopped him from doing so.

“Where have you been?” He asked.

Hayden’s heart skipped a beat as he halted his feet before facing the man sitted in the dark living room smoking. That his father, Roman, the don of a dangerous gambling den.

Hayden gulped down his spit before speaking. No doubts he fears his father more than he fears d.eath. Who wouldn’t be afraid of a man who is more heartless than the devil.

“I went out to treat myself” Hayden stuttered.

Roman smirked and stood up from the chair, and walk towards Hayden. Hayden snuggle backwards fearfully.

“So just because of a little knife I pierced into your stomach, you couldn’t bear the pains and went to the hospital?” Roman asked.

“I was in so much pain Don Roman” He said, and Roman pvnch his stab area. Hayden yelps in pains as he bI.eeds from it.

“How can you take after me if you can’t handle a small pain? You can’t win a single gambling game, and you can’t even handle a small wound!” Roman said and pvnch him again.

Hayden falls to the ground, he gushed out bI.ood from his mouth, and the bI.ood in his stomach increased.

“Get up!!!” He yells at him, and Hayden struggle to stand up to his face.

“Let’s this be your last warning, Hayden, if you ever lose in the gambling game again, you will get more than a $tab from me.

You’re the son of a Don, so you should behave like me, else your mom who is in the psychiatric hospital, will be the one to suffer from your silly actions”

“Don’t touch my mom. You can do whatever you want with me, that’s why I am living with you despite your cruelty towards me.

Even my mom is insane and can’t remember who I am to her, she is still my mom, so please I’m begging you, leave her alone” Hayden said, allowing his tears to fall down from his eyes.

“Then do what will make me happy, else I will go after your mom. You’re good in solving physics questions, right? So used it in terms of gambling. Am I understood?”

Hayden nod his head, sniffling, and Roman smirked at him before leaving.

Hayden struggles to climb the stairs, and when he entered his room, he fell to the bed, trying to suppress the pains he was feeling in his stomach.

Ever since he was born, his life has never been a bed of roses, because he was birthed by a very dangerous man, who wouldn’t think of klling him.

Hayden’s life was never a sweet one like everyone believes. Yes he is born with a silver spoon, but he wish he was never brought to this life.

His mom became insane after she was involved in an accident, while trying to run away from Roman. She lost her memories and forgot about the one person she cared about, and that was Hayden.

Hayden’s suffering became worse after his mom became insane, because Roman always used her as a threat. He beats up Hayden not caring if it was going to end his life.

Hayden chose to keep a low profile because he didn’t want anyone to know what he goes through in the hands of his own father, not even his childhood friends (Ivan and Jesse) knows about it.

He tends to act strong and bossy just to cover up that he just an innocent weak boy suffering in the hands of his dangerous father.

The night Ivan found blood in his (Hayden), he had actually helped his dad disposed a d.ead body.

Roman klled a man that night and asked Hayden to dispose his body, and while he was at it, the bI.ood of the innocent man entered his hands.

He has witness his dad killing a lot of people, but there was nothing he could do about it, because ratting his father out means endangering his mom’s life.

Tears falls down from Hayden’s eyes, as the pa.ins from his stomach keeps hurting him h’llishly.


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