“What about Clayton?” Molly Moon asked, ignoring Candace’s compliment about Hayden and she stopped smiling.

“Well Clayton is good at carrying out scientific experiment. He is really good at it, because he always brings out perfect and accurate results from it.

Since you will be joining their department, you can get close to Hayden by asking him to put you through with physics, and as for Clayton, I think he’s an easy prey, since scientific experiment are mostly done in their class” Blake said, and Molly Moon smirked.

“Who would have thought they’d be good at something?”

“I know right? That’s why I said they are incredible” Candace said, smiling.

“I didn’t say so Candace. They just made it easy for me to get into them” Molly Moon said, caressing her hair.

“I also heard crescent college always host a welcome back to school party for its students.

Clayton and Hayden will be there” Blake said, and Molly Moon smirked and stood up from the sofa.

“I guess I should partake in that party too” She was about heading upstairs, but stopped halfway.

“How about the unknown person that pushed me down from the rooftop”

“We haven’t find any details on who it might be, Molly Moon” Candace said.

“What about the founder of crescent college?” Molly Moon asked.

“We couldn’t find him, Molly Moon” Blake said, and Molly Moon sighed.

“Keep digging, I’m sure you found something. I will attend the welcome back to school party” Molly Moon said and went upstairs.

“Don’t you think she’s about to play a dangerous game?” Candace asked.

“She’s just be consumed by anger, but in opinion, those two need to pay for what they did to Molly Moon, especially the unknown person that pushed her down from the rooftop” Blake said, and Candace concurred to what he said.


The booming sound of music could loudly be heard as the students of crescent college partied like it was their last.

You won’t blame them because once school resumes fully they won’t have the time to party to their heart content.

Clayton is seen sitting with Cathy, and as usual he is kssing her. Freddie is with Charlotte, who was trying to talk to him, but he focused on his mirror.

Dawson as usual, didn’t show up at the party after he said he’d come.

Hayden was alone in a corner. Ivan and Jesse aren’t with him, because Jesse passed out earlier.

“Tell me Clayton, why were you looking at Molly Moon today?” Cathy asked, caressing his chest.

“I already told you not to question my action” Clayton said pouring himself a glass of tequila.

He was about drinking it, but Cathy took it from him.

“Fine. I won’t ask you why you were looking at Molly Moon, because I already know you’re someone who doesn’t believe in love and what it has to offer.

I already accepted who you are, so let’s continue kssing” Cathy said, trying to interlock her lips with Clayton, but someone held her hair and pushed out of the chair with it, and Cathy yelped in pain, gaining everyone’s attention.

“Molly Moon” Clayton called her, looking at how she was beautifully dressed.

Molly Moon sat beside Clayton and flashed a beautiful smile at him.

“Should we kss instead?” She asked, maintaining her beautiful smile.

Clayton looked at her tempting lips and gulped down hard.


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