There wasn’t much to do in crescent college since it was the first day of resumption, so Clayton is seen sleeping in one of the empty classes.

Dawson entered the empty class, because he knows he’d find Clayton here. He looked at Clayton for a while before calling his name.

“Clayton” He said. Knowing Clayton wasn’t a deep sleeper, he didn’t need to go to him and tap him.

Clayton slowly raised his head after hearing his name, and his face was wet, he is crying.

“Clayton are you crying?” Dawson asked, and Clayton quickly cleaned his eyes and face.

“I’m not crying” He said, sniffling.

“You’re crying in your sleep again. This isn’t the first time I have seen you cry while you’re sleeping. What seems to be the problem, Clayton? Why are you always crying in your sleep?” Dawson asked.

“My life isn’t yours to worry about, so just leave me alone, Dawson. Ignore me like you have done for the last couple of months”

“I came here because I want us to resolve whatever issues we have. I know you won’t talk to me until I make the first move and that’s why I am here”

“Why Dawson? Is it because Molly Moon is back?” Clayton asked.

“It’s not far from the truth. I’m glad she is back in a new version of herself. Freddie said you fell inside the trashcan because you were looking at her” Dawson said, mockery.

“Hey, I wasn’t looking at her. I was just surprised that’s all” Clayton said and Dawson smiled.

“I think she has changed, Clayton. There’s rumors going around school that she fed Cathy rotten eggs”

“Molly Moon did that?”

“Yes she did. It’s strange right?” Dawson asked and Clayton slowly nod his head.


“For how long has she been throwing up?” Lydia asked.

“For more than two hours. She might puke out her intestine if she continues throwing up” Charlotte said.

“But Molly Moon was so scary earlier, did you see the cold looks on her eyes when she ordered us to hold Cathy?”

“I saw it too, Lydia. It was like she wants to kll us. We were wrong about her. Molly Moon has indeed changed” Charlotte said and Lydia nod her, puckering.

Cathy came out from the restroom, and both Lydia and Charlotte gummed on the wall.

“Cathy are you ok?” Charlotte managed to asked when Cathy was about leaving.

Cathy stopped walking and gave them an angry look. “How can I be okay, when I was fed rotten eggs! You both followed Molly Moon’s order instead of mine!!!” She barked at them.

“We were so scared of what she was going to do to us, Cathy. You can also see that she’s different from the Molly Moon we used to know”

“I don’t care!!! I’m still going to make her pay for what she did to me today, and as for the both of you, don’t talk to me, until I tell you both to” Cathy said and leaves the restroom.

She went to the parking lot and met her dad waiting for her. She had earlier called him.

“Dad!” She whines like a child, hugging him.

“Yuck! What’s with that rotten smell?” Everest asked, covering his nose and Cathy puckered.

“I was bullied in school today dad”

“Bullied? Who one earth bullied my daughter” He asked.

“Molly Moon”

“Who is Molly Moon?”

“A girl in this school. She fed me rotten eggs. I feel like dying dad!” Cathy said, crying.

“Don’t cry baby girl. Dad is going to take care of that Molly Sun, or whatever her name is, okay” Everest said, cleaning her tears, and Cathy nod her head, smiling.


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